Friday, August 29, 2008

Long weekend --yay

The countdown continues.. 36 days til I get on a plane to meet my son. I just got an email from L, my translated dossier still hasnt gotten to her, maybe this weekend. I am curious to see it once a copy finally makes its way to me. Thank you to Maria and Christina for your positive thoughts. Most of the time I am confident and have faith that everything will work out just fine but sometimes the fear of the unknow creeps in. With the long weekend here, I have made a vow not to work. I have an bad habit of working on the weekend trying to catch up on things, or get one more thing done that could truly wait. I still have expenses (from the past month) to do but got everything else done so am giving myself permission not to work. I want to get porkchop's room painted and the crib put together. This is the a picture of the bedding set I have chosen.. Things are moving forward, albeit slowly but moving forward nonetheless.


Betsy said...

Hi Beth - I've enjoyed following along your journey and can't wait til you get to go on Trip 1 to meet your baby boy!
I LOVE that bedding! It is so adorable. Where did you get it??

Christina said...

Love the bedding. Too cute!