Thursday, June 19, 2008

The waiting begins...again

So now I wait. I sent the fingerprints and I600A off certified mail and have received 1 of the little green cards back (from VA) but oddly enough I havent received the one back for the I600A which was sent across town in Phoenix. That worries me a little but I dont want to panic yet.

I am so happy for a very special couple in TX that received their referral for a baby boy last week.

I am also praying for Maria and her family as they struggle with things beyond their control.

I have had the distinct honor to follow the journey's of a few families through this wonderful 'blogging' world. I cant begin to tell you all how inspiring and comforting those blogs are as I read them. I have never met these families but, nonetheless feel that their openness has helped keep me motivated and focused on the end result. For that I say THANK YOU or Spasibo (spah-see-buh).

My Russian word for today is: pozhalujsta (pah-zhahl-stuh) meaning Please.

1 comment:

Maria said...

Thank you so much for the words. So many people -- so many prayers -- so much hope for an answer. It will come so I'm just waiting. Good luck on your journey as well!