Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Catchup and working from home

Well, its finally happend. I am done (well mostly) with traveling for work. I am working primarily from home and its a little wierd and wonderful at the same time. I have to somehow get into a routine. A couple of times I have spent the whole day in my PJs without even thinking about it. Oops.. I just got up with Baby Chicken and kept moving, started work at 8 and before I knew it, 6pm was here and it was time to STOP working. If any of you out there have some working from home tips I would love to hear them. We are having a 'virtual' team meeting this week so I am on calls all day. Eww. We had a session yesterday on time management and there were some really good tips on time wasters and stress..one of the biggest tips that I got was to 'schedule time for work' sounds silly but when you are on conference calls all day you dont really 'work' also de-clutter your office.. a cluttered office is a big stressor (so true) so during some of the more uninteresting calls I went through all the papers on my desk.. deee--cluttered..!! it was awesome, my shredder got quite the workout. I still have one little box of personal stuff to go through (it didnt seem right to do that while 'working' ) but I can see my desk. We do have a mandatory lunch break, thank goodness, so I do have some time during the day to take a break. Taking breaks is something that I dont seem to do much though.. I find myself eating lunch at 2, sitting at my desk.. I know I need to get better at that.

And now on to baby news!! Z (aka Baby Chicken) is growing like a weed. Much much faster than P.R. He is eating about every 2-3 hours 4 or sometimes 6 oz. We think he weighs about 11 pounds and is rapidly ougrowing the newborn things we have. Did I mention all the great stuff we got from T? OMG she gave us (and still does) at least 4 big bins of clothes, shoes, sleepers, socks really everything I needed for him. I am so blessed. She said she was just waiting for another boy to join our little Pants with Feet Possee.. did I ever mention the PWFPosse? Well we now have a Posse of 5 single mommies/ We all began our adoption journeys in Krygystan..All of us but our newest member adopted domestically our newest member K(CO) is bringing home her little one the end of the month Woo hoo!! Things have been passed all accross this country for these wonderful kiddos.. Its so wonderful to have these strong resiliant women in my life!! Oh and we are having a partial PWF 'meeting' here in AZ the end of the month.. we are al trucking up to the Grand Canyon for a day trip. and have plans for a spring training baseball game. I am so excited and will NOT be working the whole week.

Sheesh I have rattled on for a while now.. I guess getting up at 6am with B.C. is a good thing.. Here are the latest pics of the two most precious gifts a girl can get.