Saturday, February 14, 2009

Not good news

I got an update from my agency and from the Dept of State. They say that the Kyrgyz government has created a commission whose responsibility it is to redefine policy. They are planning on giving their findings on March 20 to the government. What does this mean?: well it sucks but it means that they are not going to process ANYTHING til after March 20. With this news I am very sad and worried. I think that now, with this new news that Ben will not be home before May. They also said that they will, most likely, waive the 30day wait and will hopefully gear up court to process multiple families at once. Wewere also told that families should be getting info and measurements on him regularly. We dont know what else is to come. We are also not sure what impact the closing of the US Airbase at Manas Airport will be. Noone know but my agency thinks that these two issues are separate and doesnt think that they will impact each other.

I am learning that international adoption is full of bumps and detours. This is taking alot longer than I anticpated when I started 1 year ago.

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